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                Current Location:Home > News > Enterprise News

                Tips for leather bag maintenance in winter

                Time:2022-04-29 09:34:21      Click:25

                Teach you five general knowledge of leather bag collection in winter

                1. For leather bags to be collected after season, the leather surface shall be cleaned before storage, and clean shredded paper balls or cotton shirts shall be put into the leather bag to maintain the shape of the leather bag; Then put the leather bag into the soft cotton bag and store it in the cabinet, and avoid the deformation of the leather bag caused by improper extrusion.

                2. The cabinet containing leather bags must be well ventilated. For example, the cabinet with shutter door is better. At the same time, it is best not to put too many items in the cabinet.

                3. The natural oil of leather itself will gradually decrease with time or too many times of use, so it needs regular maintenance. It is suggested that you should remove the dust before storing your bag every time, and then store it after applying maintenance oil.

                4. Tips: the newly purchased leather bag should be rubbed with clean hands. As long as you use appropriate body temperature and oil and rub gently with your hands, you can make small wrinkles and even small scars disappear.

                5. The key to maintenance is to "cherish it". Whether you pay attention not to be scratched, rained or polluted by stains when using your leather bag is the most basic common sense of maintaining your leather bag. Otherwise, you can't deal with it until there is a problem, and the effect is certainly not good.

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