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                NEWS CENTRE


                Current Location:Home > News > Industry Information

                What should I pay attention to when using the package

                Time:2022-04-29 09:33:22      Click:19

                What problems should we pay attention to when using luggage?

                1. If your hands are prone to sweating, you'd better use your arm satchel or shoulder backpack as much as possible instead of carrying the bag by hand, otherwise the sweat is easy to leave stains on the handle of the bag.

                2. When storing sharp objects in bags, be sure to package them completely before placing them. And those items that are suspected of being cut or damaged should not be put in the baby's luggage. Do not jam or put too heavy items, otherwise the luggage will be deformed or damaged.

                3. When opening and closing the lock of the luggage, do not mix foreign matters in the lock, which will damage the hardware of the luggage.

                4. Don't stick labels or adhesive tapes on the luggage, as it is easy to peel off the skin when it is torn off.

                5. When using handbags, try to avoid frequent friction between handbags and jeans, because dyeing is easy to occur.

                6. I rainy and snowy weather, try to avoid using leather bags such as suede, frosted leather and suede leather, because once a large area is stained with water, it will be difficult to take care of, and the leather will harden.

                7. Direct light and heating for a long time will cause discoloration, discoloration and deformation of luggage. Try to avoid long-term contact between bags and sunshine and heating.

                Previous:What are the different applications of different bags?
                Next:The future performance of Chinese folk art in modern luggage design
